
Preparing for a Natural Disaster with Florida Condominium Insurance

Category: Our Blog

Living in Florida means enjoying one of the best climates in the country; and offers the opportunity to take part in some of the many outdoor leisure activities on offer here. These can include boating, swimming or just relaxing on one of the state’s numerous and wonderful beaches. However the region is also prone to many destructive hurricanes and has a distinctive hurricane season (from the start of June to the end of November). Having the correct homeowners’ or Florida condominium insurance in place is vital to financially protect you, however there are also a number of steps that need to be taken to protect life and property when you hear of the approach of a hurricane.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you take the following measures.

Ensure that you have adequate food and water

Stock up on enough clean water and non-perishable food to last you for 3 to 5 days. Where there is a baby in the household, make sure that there is enough baby food to last the duration of the emergency.

Stock up on personal items

This may include enough prescription medicines, toothpaste and sanitary napkins to last through the emergency.

Put together a serviceable first aid kit

You may need first aid supplies in an emergency before medical authorities can get to a scene. Make sure your first aid kit contains a good range of items, and ample supplies for the entire family.

For more detailed information on disaster preparedness, go to Ready.gov. Florida residents who require further information on homeowners’ or Florida condominium insurance are welcome to call or email us.


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